Ben Cover (in memorium)

...rhymes with Beethoven? That's what my mom thought anyway. Sounds funny, I know, but if you imagine her saying Ben Cover w/ her Jamaican actually seems plausible. When my mother retired from nursing after 30+ years in the ER, she decided to move to Florida. I cared for Ben as she made that transition. He had always been "special" in that he had strange behaviors. He ran in circles incessantly and was afraid of the sound of metal (even his dog tags) and tape being pulled from the roll. His head was unusaully large and he bumped into things. Mommy had him checked out numerous times in his short life and no one could answer what was wrong with him. When he came to me I took him of grains and fed him by hand for a time until he grew acustomed to eating regularly (something he was reluctant to do). I inquired about canine autism and was told there is no such thing. Hmm? He improved slightly. While I was away visiting my brother in the hospital Ben began having seizures. He was taken to the was decided that puttinghim to sleep was the humane thing to do. I was so sad to be away when this happened and still remain curious about what ailed him. Two days later I came back from my trip and got to see Ben one more time before we cremated him. I was prepared for a scary experience...he was so well preserved and looked beautiful.

Later that day the most interesting thing happened (see "Bella Sprout").