Quelle surprise! On the day that I saw Ben for the last time (and had just visited my brother --for what would be the last time before he would die two weeks later) I went for a walk to clear my head and ease my sadness. On my way home...I decided to walk down one street over from mine. As I walked a tiny tortie bounded across the street. She looked JUST LIKE PHOENIX! I wondered if Phoenix had been walking with me the entire time (which would have been unlikely). Noticing the size of this baby cat I thought...hmmm...a kitten all alone...and fearless! I pet her for a while then walked away thinking she'd go home...nope! She bounced and pranced alongside me all the while looking up at me. I scooped her up and pet her again. I knocked on doors trying to find her home....no luck. Later in the day I went looking again and found a neighbor that said she'd been "hanging around" for some time....no one knew where her home was....after making more efforts, I decided she'd be part of our menagerie. One of my teachers, Megan Sillito, came up with the name Bella and I loved the name Sprout. Sprouty Katz, as she is also affectionately called loves the snow...weird, right? Doesn't mine the rain, can catch birds like nobody's business, much to my frustration and likes to lick you to death until she falls asleep in the crook of my neck purring loudly. That I Love!